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Ole-Hermann has worked as a stage director for over 30 years, is a member of Norwegian director's association and was awarded a scholarship from Kulturrådet as one of five stage directors in 2021. He is structured, thoughtful, patient, positive, committed and reliable with a great passion for further development in the field. Ole-Hermann has made a big difference for the local cultural life in his home town of Fredrikstad, where he has helped to start Fredrikstad barne- og ungdomsteater, Plankebyen Ungdomsteater and Sceneteppe (a joint organization for performing arts services for children, teenagers and young adults). Since 2004 he has been one of three partners in Kulturværste As. Together with composer Svein Gundersen and writer Hans-Petter Thøgersen he has staged new musicals, shows and grand performances. He has been central to the development of the performances in Brottet Amfi (Hvaler) since 2008. With performances such as A MIDSUMMER'S DREAM, BROTTSJØ and JEPPE, he has received praise both locally and nationally. JEPPE was also played at Chat Noir with a subsequent Norwegian tour. In addition to this he has staged performances such as SKATTEN PÅ SJØRØVERØYA (Stavanger konserthus), SPOOKI (Akershus festning/Fredriksten fort), DET BRENNER EN ILD (Gamlebyen in Fredrikstad), GARBAGIAMYSTERIET (Nationwide environmental performance) and STUBBEFOLKET (Strømfoss). This is in addition to a number of performances at Blå grotte and City Scene in Fredrikstad - such as ISFRONT, DUNKEJON, PLANKEBY'N, MY FAIR LADY, STABBUR NILSEN and VÆRSTEKÆLLÆR.
As an actor, Ole-Hermann has taken part in family shows such as KAPTEIN SABELTANN OG GRUSOMME GABRIELS SKATT, OLIVER, KARIUS AND BAKTUS, HAKKEBAKKESKOGEN, TRE NØTTER TIL ASKEPITT, REISEN TIL JULESTJERNEN and KARADEMOMMEBY. This in addition to being known as one of two thieves in the series VERDENS BESTE SFO on NRK.
If you are looking for a creative stage instructor or a committed actor, Ole-Hermann with his professional knowledge and personal qualities can guarantee a well-executed collaboration.
Ole-Hermann has worked as a project manager and producer for over 40 years. In collaboration with the company Kulturværste As, he has produced over 30 stage productions and with Kulturleveranser he is project manager/producer in all independent productions. He manages a number of events for various clients, including companies and cities that want to offer the population monthly cultural experiences (for example "City Day" in Fredrikstad). Ole-Hermann has also visited a number of schools with a self-developed course in presentation/communication techniques that he both produces and participates in as a speaker.
Ole-Hermann was awarded the honorable King Frederiks Honorary Award 2021.
Ole-Hermann Gudim Lundberg

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