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Logo: Kine Jensen

Kulturleveranser AS is a familybuisness based in Norway with CEO Ole-Hermann Gudim Lundberg and employees Anniken Bakken Lundberg and Martine Tufvesson Lundberg. The company has since its beginning in 2013 been a professional supplier of stagedirecting, acting, singing, teaching and NLP coaching. Since 2019 Kulturleveranser has also produced their own theatre productions and recieved fantastic reviews of their first independant play "Blindpassasjer". The story is written to prevent suicide and encourage the audience to talk more openly about mental health. The company has also been co-producers in several musicals (including RENT, CHICAGO, HEATHERS, SPRING AWAKENING) and released their own songs by the name "Hjertevenn". They've also established the eventgroup "SHOWTIME". Now the company is working towards a new premiere. During the last two years they've written and composed a musical about a woman trapped in a mans body during the 80's/90's called "Begravelse uten lik".

"We are so lucky to work with people for people. By staging, teaching and participating in creative performing arts that reflect the present, we have the opportunity to slowly or instantly contribute to individual and collective further development."
                                                                                - Kulturleveranser As

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